Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23rd CIS565 Progress Summary: Speed and Refraction

This post is the third update for the GPU Pathtracer project Peter and I are working on!

Over the past few weeks, the GPU Pathtracer has gained two huge improvements: refraction, and major speed  gains! In just 15 seconds on Peter's NVIDIA GTX530 (on a more powerful card in the lab, we get even better speeds) , we can now get something like this:

Admittedly Peter has been contributing more interesting code than I have, which makes sense since in this project Peter is clearly the veteran rendering expert and I am the newcomer. But, I am learning a lot, and Peter is getting more cool stuff done since I can get other stuff done and out of the way!

The posts for this update are:

1. Performance Optimization: Speed boosts through zero-weight ray elimination
2. Cool Error Render: Fun debug images from getting refraction to work
3. Transmission: Glass spheres!
4: Fast Convergence: Tricks for getting more raw speed

As always, check the posts for details and images!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14th CIS563 Progress Summary: Meshes and Meshes and Meshes

This post is the second update for the MultiFluids project!

The past week for Dan and me has been all about meshes: mesh loading, mesh interactions, and mesh reconstruction! We integrated in a OBJ to Signed Distance Field convertor, which allowed us to then implement liquid-against-mesh interactions and use meshes to define starting liquid positions. We also figured out how to run marching cubes on signed distance fields, allowing us to export OBJ mesh sequences of our fluid simulation and bring our sims into Maya for rendering!

Here is a really cool render from this week:

The posts for this week are:

1. Surface Reconstruction via Marching Cubes: Level set goes in, OBJ comes out
2. Mesh Interactions: Using meshes as interactable objects
3. Meshes as Starting Liquid Volumes and Maya Integration: Cool tests with a liquid Stanford Dragon

Check out the posts for details, images, and videos!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5th CIS565 Progress Summary: Interactivity, Alpha Review, Fresnel Reflections, Antialiasing

This post is the second update for the GPU Pathtracer project!

Since the last update, Peter and I added an interactive camera to the renderer to allow realtime movement around the scene! We also had our Alpha Review, which went quite well, and Peter implemented a reflection model. Initially the reflection model used was Schlick's Approximation, but later Peter replaced that with the full Fresnel equations. I also added super-sampled anti-aliasing for a smoother image.

The posts for this update:

1. Interactivity and Moveable Camera: We can move around the scene!
2. Alpha Review Presentation: Slides and other stuff from our Alpha Review
3. Specular Reflection Test: The first test with Shlick's Approximation
4. Fresnel Reflections: Some details on our reflection model
5. Abstract Art: Some fun buggy renders Peter produced while debugging
6. Anti-Aliasing: Super-sampled anti-aliasing!

A nice image from the last post:

Check the posts for tons of details, images, and even some video!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st CIS563 Progress Summary: Framework Improvements and Bounding Volumes

Here's the first progress update/blog digest for the MultiFluids project!

Dan and I started by taking our starting framework and tearing it down to its core. We then rebuilt the base code up with our own custom additions, leaving just the core solver intact. From there, we started building some of the basic features our project will require!

Here are the posts for this update:

1. Framework Improvements and Particles with Properties: Tearing the base code down to the ground and rebuilding it better, faster, and with more features
2. Bounding Volumes & Lesson 1: Don't just assume base code is perfect: Dan discovers some flaws in the base code!
3. Multiple Arbitrary Bounding Volumes: All-important object interaction

A frame from one of our test videos:

Check the posts for details and videos!

April 1st CIS565 Progress Summary: Camera and Pathtracing

Here's the first progress summary/blog digest for the GPU Pathtracer project!

Over the past few days, Peter and I established our framework, got random number generation working on the GPU, built an accumulator, figured out parallelized camera ray projection, got spherical intersection tests working, and got a basic path-traced image!

Here are the posts for this update:

1. Random Number Generation: Fun with parallelized random number generators and seeding
2. First Rays on the GPU: Parallel raycasting!
3. Accumulating Iterations: The heart of any monte-carlo based renderer
4. We Have Path Tracing: First working renders!

Here's an image from our very first working render! More soon!